Sunday, February 5, 2012

Julius Caesar Research Part One

In order for you to re-create the play Julius Caesar, you have to understand it. Plug in your headphones now. Once your headphones are plugged in, click the link below and watch the video. This should take you about 8-10 minutes. When you are finished, come back to this page and follow the directions below the link.

Julius Caesar Cartoon

You are responsible for recreating the story of Julius Caesar in modern day vernacular. Each class is responsible for their own Act of the play. Each Act is divided into Scenes and it is important that you cover all of the scenes from the play in order for it to flow properly between the classes. It is also crucial that you incorporate famous quotes from the play, even in your own words. Visit the website below to answer the questions in your reading guide and gather as much information as you can. The more information you have, the easier it will be for you to perform your role in the production.

Julius Caesar Cliff Notes

Good Luck and I look forward to your production!